Date of Passing: 12/29/23
Message to Tegan: Tegan was full of life and energy, always wanting to cuddle, eat and play. She was a human in dog form in every way - very expressive and emotional and such a large presence in our household. She would always be right next to you when you were sad, and always there to cheer you up. She was a big part of our family and no words can express the loss we feel without her here.
Tell us about Tegan: She came to us as a puppy and immediately became our first child. She always was next to me cuddling no matter what I was doing and was known to lay across my neck as a puppy. She loved playing with her human sister and was always fighting for the most attention. She loved food and although she was allergic to everything she would still try to convince guests to sneak her food. Her last days were surrounded by her family, taking a walk and eating all the foods she could never have. My sweet baby girl will be missed forever and always.