
Name: Teddy

Date of Passing: 10/10/23

Message to Teddy: In loving memory of our beloved Teddy.

Tell us about Teddy: Teddy was a puppy mill rescue who charmed his mom by looking in her eyes and licking her face, which sealed the deal on his adoption. He blossomed into a joyous and energetic dog who loved to race around his grandma’s yard and play football with his mom. He loved opening presents on his birthday and at Christmas, and spent the whole day with a huge smile on his face. He loved taking yearly trips up north, and would cry with happiness a few miles before the car approached the cabin.

With time, Teddy developed arthritis and had to reduce his activities. His mom did her best to keep him engaged with daily stroller rides and weekly visits to physical therapy. He developed some serious health conditions but diligent care kept him comfortable for several years. Eventually his mom couldn’t stop the decline of his health and made the difficult decision to let him go. He passed peacefully at home with his favorite monkey toy by his side.