Sugar Plum

Name: Sugar Plum

Date of Passing: 04/03/23

Message to Sugar Plum: You were unique, lovable, stubborn, and an extremely loving dog! You touched our hearts in so many positive ways words cannot describe. There's a hole in our hearts right now but we're comforted knowing that you're not suffering anymore. All we have left are the wonderful memories that you gave our family for so many years. RIP our little princess! We love you and miss that adorable face so much!

Tell us about Sugar Plum: We adopted Sugar Plum (Terrier Mix) when she was 2 years old. We were initially looking for more a lab mix, but when we saw her playing with all the other puppies, we fell in love immediately with that cute face and gorgeous dark eyes. We wanted a companion for are other dog, Blaze (Black Lab Mix). And you were certainly that for sure. You loved your Kong toys and fetching balls in the yard, although you didn't like to bring them back to us. You loved when we chased after you in the yard, and of course we can never catch you because you were too darn fast. When you escaped the yard, you always came back when we you called you, or maybe coerced you with a cookie. You loved going "ups" with mom, which meant going up to watch TV and fall asleep with her.