
Name: Princess

Date of Passing: 10/25/2023

Message to Princess: We decided on Princess due to her just being a 12wk old puppy wanting to chew our shoe laces off while meeting her. She came to us when her human siblings were little and they all grew up together. My daughter of course named her and boy was she a Princess! She loved nipping her big brother at the time Akumas rear-end wanting him to play he hated it but they were buddies, than came Fuzzy and Royal her other fur siblings and she loved on them till the end.

She loved jumping to get our Homing pigeons to fly never once hurting them.

She was a Mama's girl as I've worked from home since day one she would lay by me all day and was my shadow.

Tell us about Princess: Princess loved her yard, we have a trail from her runnning and walking the same path all these years. She was gentle,loving and protective.