Name: Primrose

Date of Passing: 06/18/2022

Message to Primrose: Rest easy, Primmy.

Tell us about Primrose: Nine years ago I was having a really awful summer. On a particularly hard day, my husband decided to cheer me up by taking me to see the dogs at the Anti-Cruelty Society. Prim was all alone, hiding in the back of her cage, scared of the whole world. We didn’t know where she came from, just that she was a stray who had a very hard life. We brought her home that day and started to realize just how hard her life had been. She hid under the bed all day, only coming out for potty breaks. She didn’t know how to play. She was afraid of everyone. It took 6 months and a few doses of Prozac, but she finally started to feel at home with us. We learned all the best methods for keeping dog hair off our clothes and the floor. She learned so many tricks and got better and better at walking on a leash. She was never very cuddly, but we knew she loved us and her cat sister. About two years ago we noticed Prim started dragging her back foot. Eventually, she had to stop taking walks and needed us to carry her up and down the stairs. This week she stopped walking altogether and let us know that she was too tired to keep going. I’m so grateful for the time we had with her. Please adopt. Please adopt adult dogs. Please be patient with them. There is nothing better than the love of a dog who knows you saved them.