
Date of Passing: 10/12/2022
Message to Novio: Novio I will always miss you. I know you are with Sweetie now. It makes me happy to know you are together again
Tell us about Novio: I first met Novio when I moved to my new home in 2008. He was supposedly feral and afraid of people, but we immediately bonded. Whenever I was outside he would sit on my lap and on the chair watching me do yard work. I had a dog and when I took her for a walk he would follow us down the entire block. I thought it must look pretty funny to people seeing a cat walking with me and my dog. Luckily the garage has an overhead door and I could leave it a little open so he could go in and out. There he had a heated bed and water bowl for the winter, and in the yard an igloo filled with straw. He loved both. It makes me happy to know he had a good life. I know it was time to say goodbye, but I miss him very much.