
Name: Maggie

Date of Passing: 10/27/2022

Message to Maggie: A Gentle Goodbye and Dr. Heidi are gifts from above. Never have I met a more compassionate team from the office manager to the Vet. Not only was the staff sensitive about my wait for their services but on the day of my appointment they gave me continuous updates of arrival time. When Dr. Heidi arrived, I knew Maggie would be comfortable with her due to Dr. Heidi's gentle way. She took time with Maggie and with me, and, admittedly I was questioning my decision. Dr. Heidi explained that cats are very good aa masking their pain. As I watched Maggie's breath slowing, he seemed to be at peace while I held her paw. I would never a pet put down without A Gentle Goodbye. I share this prayer......St. Francis -Pray for Our Pets- A Francian Blessing for Our Animal Friends Prayer for Maggie In Your infinite wisdom, Lord God, when You created the Universe You blessed us with all living creatures. We especially thank You for giving us Maggie who is our friend and who brought us so much joy in life. Warmest. Maureen N

Tell us about Maggie: After we lost our last Bichon Frise, Mac, our cat Lilly was very lonely and my late husband and I agreed we didn't want to go through the loss of another dog. We searched for a white kitten which was nearly impossible but I came across a beautiful Russian Blue kitten and fell in love with our beloved Maggie. She was very timid. Any bad behavior was blamed on Maggie, not Lilly until we lost Lilly. We quickly learned that Maggie never did anything wrong and would come up to us for a little rub on her head and ears and then dash away. She was such a sweetie.