
Date of Passing: 06/22/2022
Message to Lyle: Lyle was a big cuddly tuxedo boy who loved to socialize. Whenever I had visitors, he was the first to place himself in the circle and engage with each person. He loved to play games with anyone who took the time. His favorite game was “Guess Which Hand Has the Treat,” and he would get it right almost every time.
Tell us about Lyle: Lyle was named after one of my favorite artists, Lyle Lovett. I found him and his brother as kittens at my local PetSmart store. I intended to adopt one cat but went home with two when the PetSmart rep told me that they must be adopted together. I named his brother Hank after Hank Williams. Adopting them was the beginning of a long and happy relationship filled with laughs and love.