
Date of Passing: 12/29/2022
Message to Jack: Jack was deeply bonded with his brother and littermate Buddy and when we had to say goodbye to Buddy in May 2022, life was just not the same for Jack. He was very sweet and snuggly with me but I could tell he missed a world without Buddy in it and his Jack-sparkle was dimmer.
Tell us about Jack: Jack and Buddy were together at PAWS shelter and could only be adopted as a pair which suited me perfectly since I always had pairs of cats over the last many years. They were originally named Butter and Cheese, which became Buddy and Jack, since I like names for my pets rather than nouns or adjectives. They quickly became kings of the house and commenced their lives of doing everything together. Buddy was the more brave and outgoing brother and he looked after Jack, which enjoyed being the cosseted "baby brother"! Jack was more fearful of new people and situations and I had to proceed very slowly with winning his trust---it was about two years before he was not spooked if I moved close by him in the kitchen while he was eating! He as also very sensitive to touch and while Buddy loved being brushed and petted, Jack would get too stimulated and run away. So my petting and touch with him was very soft and short and I always let him set the duration. I was so moved when he finally trusted me fully and became the love bug he was meant to be. They always wanted to be wherever the other was and loved walking together down the hallway side by side with their tails intertwining with each other--that was so funny to see. They loved playing together, chasing each other and having rowdy catnip sessions. They slept snuggled with each other and me. They loved watching the birds and squirrels from the window ledges. Their love for each other was very clear and so endearing. I hope they are together again forever and I'll miss my guys always.